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Preparing for Multi-Media Presentations at Trial


The way a case is presented before a jury is critical, but just as critical is the preparation that takes place behind the scenes before the trial even begins. Technology and multimedia presentations to jurors are dominating the courtroom. When you prepare for your next trial include the following steps for trial presentations in your pre-trial preparation plan:

  1. Contact the court to determine the technological capabilities of your courtroom.

  2. Make an appointment to view the courtroom and ask for any supporting instructions on the technology available.

  3. Understand the type of evidence and what format it will be presented in.

  4. Ensure the court has the equipment needed to present the evidence in its current format and/or make arrangements to bring in additional equipment.

  5. Test, Test, Test! It is an absolute necessity to undertake a dry run of your trial presentations in the courtroom to ensure all bugs are worked out before trial. Most courts will allow this testing when the courtroom is not in use.

Or reach out to Legal Eagle who provides Legal "Hot Seat" Technician services and let us worry about all the steps above so you can concentrate on the case. Legal Eagle has the experience you need in presenting complex exhibits to jurors and offers two affordable levels of support.

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