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Trial "Hot Seat"

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“A major Challenge in complex civil litigation has always been keeping evidence organized, cross-referenced and easily accessible during trial. With the help of Legal Eagle, we were able to access documents quickly and deliver to the jury an effective multimedia presentation of documents, video, and PowerPoints. Legal Eagle was an important part of our trial team from the early stages of preparation to the end.”
- Meg Thrasher, Senior Paralegal, Nelson Mullins -

Reasons for Multi-Media Presentations

The key to effectively communicating to a jury is a blend of today’s technological advancements in media with the personality and persuasiveness of a compelling lawyer. Add the hiring of a reliable trial presentation support service with a “hot seat” technician and you have a winning combination for a more successful trial outcome.

The way people effectively comprehend information has changed from 50 or even 20 years ago. We are a digital society. Information is being delivered to us faster and in more dynamic ways than ever before. Jurors in the courtroom are no different. Jurors are using their hyper-sensitive senses such as vision, hearing, touch, and even emotions to decipher the facts of a case. Just look at these scientific facts:

  • Vary Stimulation - The brain is most active when it is stimulated in different ways allowing for information to be comprehended more easily.
  • Written & Spoken - The brain for the vast majority of individuals is unable to comprehend written and spoken information at the same time.
  • Multi-Media Works - A study at the University of California – Santa Barbara showed that individuals comprehend information most effectively when shown a visual or video exhibit with narration from the attorney or expert.​

Trial Presentation Software Options


Legal Eagle offers courtroom technology specialists with the expertise and reassuring presence to ensure that your presentation will run smoothly.


Legal Eagle technicians use the TrialPad app for iPad to manage your exhibits in basic court cases. TrialPad will organize, annotate, and present evidence. It includes powerful presentation tools that callout sections of documents, highlight text, create side-by-side document comparisons, edit and show video clips, add exhibit stickers to documents, search document text, and much more.


Legal Eagle trial technicians are also well versed in OnCue software for Windows. This software can handle the more basic court case, but offers advanced options for the most complex trials.

OnCue was designed from the ground up by full-time trial presentation consultants. OnCue allows trial teams to quickly interact with exhibits, create and edit video designations, and organize evidence on the courtroom presentation systems. It is a powerful trial presentation software that improves courtroom workflows and saves lawyers time with exhibits, video editing, and reliable presentation tools.

Trial "Hot Seat" Technician Duties

From a cost perspective, most law firms cannot afford the costs associated with hiring an inhouse technological expert or be able to invest in the computer hardware needed to produce complex multi-media presentations. Additionally, the time associated with creating these complex trial presentations for an already extremely busy lawyer and/or paralegal is not possible.

Legal Eagle’s trial presentations services provide attorneys with multi-media trial presentations and/or courtroom technology specialist duties (hot seat operator). Our team creates multi-media presentations and organizes important legal evidence for trial or mediation. Legal Eagle's courtroom technology specialists have the expertise and provide a reassuring presence to ensure that your presentation will run smoothly. Legal Eagle allows your trial team to focus on the big picture by:

  • Managing technical audio/video equipment in the courtroom

  • Exhibit Annotation & Emphasis Tools

  • Side-by-Side Comparison Techniques

  • Sophisticated Multi-Media or Basic Slide Presentations

  • Witness Preparation Support

  • Maintaining and providing instant access to an exhibit database prior to and throughout the trial

Prep Tips for Trial Pres 7-27-22
5 Things Before Hiring Trial Tech
Benefits of Trial Tech
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